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Books, Books and More Books

Stop by and read a few sentences about the books I love and the books I hated. Leave a comment or two. I am a former librarian and a voracious reader.

Never Have I Ever by Joshilyn Jackson

Never Have I Ever - Joshilyn Jackson
NEVER HAVE I EVER by Joshilyn Jackson
If you are looking for a fast read that starts slowly, but builds to a thrilling conclusion, Then this is the book for you. The characters are pretty stock and the conversations stilted.
The situations have way too many coincidences and barely believable occurrences, but for an escapist afternoon or two this one fills the bill.
Amy was a wild child with a past who worked on rehabilitating herself. Then a newcomer crashes her book group, takes over and threatens (nicely) everyone present. The newcomer seems to have the goods on Amy and then the fun begins.
If you think there are too many cliques in this post, don’t read NEVER HAVE I EVER.
3 of 5 stars